Sunday, March 13, 2022

Receiver gain setup

I always setup my receiver(s) with just enough attenuation/gain to make sure that the AGC only acts on the signal I'm listening too. 
I have the preamps switched off on all band from 20m and above (14MHz and below). Depending on the band conditions I either use the build in attenuator or the RF-gain. Below are the steps that I use to achieve receiver bliss.
  1. Record the S-meter reading of the band noise. I tune off the signal I'm listening to and note the S-meter reading on band noise alone, for example the S-meter is reading S5 (a noisy day).
  2. I now apply attenuation until the S-meter reads as little as possible. On the IC-7610 I can select the attenuation in steps of 3dB. If you don't have that ability you can achieve a similar outcome with the RF-gain knob as well. Using the RF-gain you'll see the RFG illuminated (you would think that that would be about 30dB (5 S-points x 6dB = 30dB) but since the ICOM has a lying S-meter, the value I need to apply is only 21dB).
  3. Next I tune the desired signal in again. The result is that now the band noise will not stimulate the AGC into action, i.e. the AGC will now only operate on the desired signal.
  4. I now have selected the sweet point for the receiver for the current band conditions.

The result is a very quite receiver which is very pleasant to listen to.

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