Saturday, July 13, 2024

ICOM IC-7610 S-Meter Tracking

Having been checking the S-Meter for my prefered software solutions  (SDR) I thought it might be a good time to also (re)check the S-Meter in my ICOM IC-7610. The setup is the same as for the previous two checks. Below is the result of my checks for my IC-7610. A quick graph of how well my ICOM IC-7610 S-Meter is tracking using the proverbial 6dB steps (6dB/S-Unit).


  • Signal generator: XG3
  • Level: -34.8dBm @ 13.8V
  • Att: HP-355C & HP-355D (38dB for approx. -73dBm level)
  • Frequency: 14.174MHz


CLICK on the GRAPH for a better view.

The graph show how well the IC-7610 is handling the Standard, i.e. 6dB/S-Value. Even though the graph show that from S5 onwards the readings aren't that great, they are however well in side Amateur tolerances. As such I'd say "Nice one ICOM". 

NOTE: The percentage values of the readings are guestemates using the small horizontal bar-graph S-Meter. All reading have been produced WITHOUT any PRE-amplification. 

It would be nice to have S-Value compensation when using the additional Pre-amplifiers. Maybe a Firmware update, it is afterall a Software Defined Radio. 

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