Saturday, July 13, 2024

Adjusting the S-Meter for HDSDR

Since ICOM has released Firmware v.1.42 for the IC-7610 the I&Q port is working again. This opened up the possibility to use HDSDR (Sampling rate of 1.92MHz with an effective Bandwidth of 1.66MHz) again. Since I still had the S-Meter check setup "set up" from the "Adjusting the S-Meter in Thetis"  I decided to check and adjust, if need be, the HDSDR/IC-7610 combo.

The setup is basically the same as for Thetis, except the SDR in this case is an IC-7610.


In HDSDR under Options [F7] we find Calibration Setting. This opens the HDSDR Calibration Panel.

Selecting the S-Meter Calibration tab:

The current configuration seems to correspond to an S-Meter reading of S9 +10dB on HDSDR:

and an S9 on the ICOM without the Pre-Amp engaged.

So next we add -73dBm to the Correct Level [dBm] field and press the [Calculate] button.

And the result is:

reducing attenuation by 6dB we get:

and, as expected, adding 6dB we see:

So in a Software Defined Radio (SDR) application written by Amateur's we do get the proverbial 6dB per S-Unit. 

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